Looking for a fun, creative, Family-oriented, Christ-centered ministry for your children to participate in? Then look no further. The Maranatha Adventurer Club is the club for you.
Adventurers is a ministry designed to support parents in assisting children with the challenging task of developing fully as followers of Christ In today's world. Just a few of it's goals and objectives are for children in grades one through fourth to commit their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ, develop Christ-like character, discover their God-given abilities to serve others and gain a positive attitude towards the benefits, joys and responsibilities of living a Christian life.
The Maranatha Adventurer Club is made up of the following classes:
Adventurer Pledge
Because Jesus loves me, I will always do my best.
Adventurer Law
Jesus will help me to be:
- Obedient
- Pure
- True
- Kind
- Respectful
- Attentive
- Helpful
- Cheerful
- Thoughtful
- Reverent